
Hello there! You are now visiting a page dedicated the world-hopper character Laurence; it works as a sort of extension to his profile on Dappervolk, housing his beautiful art pieces, as well as some scattered bits of information.

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To browse the gallery below, simply click to see the pictures in their full size and navigate through them (keyboard arrows and pressing Q to close the window should also work), you can hover over the thumbnails for each artwork's respective credits as well.

Is there more?

Yes indeed! To enjoy a little more freedom lengthwise, more details about him will be kept here. This guy has an already very long mileage that is constantly expanding, so most likely not all of his personal story, episodic adventures and personality will be featured here. Some things will be stated in a succint manner, others will be given some more context. Should be updated sporadically and little by little!


Name: Laurence
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: 26 (estimated 19 upon arriving in Dappervolk)
Month: August (chose 08/08 to celebrate his birthday)
Species: World-hopper Animal (Goat)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Good
